How to add FAQ on collections page?
To add FAQs to collections page is possible using manual install. Please follow the following steps
Please copy the FAQ code provided inside the FAQ install tab.
Open the collection's backed inside Shopify
Click on HTML icon '<>'
Add the code at the desired location
Save changes
Note - As per theme, the FAQs may appear above the products. To resolve this issue, please contact the theme developers/support so that can edit the theme code to showcase FAQs below the products.
Please copy the FAQ code provided inside the FAQ install tab.
Click on themes -> Edit code
Search for collection-template liquid code file
Please paste the code
Save the changes
Once all the steps are completed please check if the FAQ appears on the front end. Incase if there are any issues please contact customer support.

Collections specific FAQs
Please copy the FAQ code provided inside the FAQ install tab.
Open the collection's backed inside Shopify
Click on HTML icon '<>'
Add the code at the desired location
Save changes
Note - As per theme, the FAQs may appear above the products. To resolve this issue, please contact the theme developers/support so that can edit the theme code to showcase FAQs below the products.
Same FAQs for all collections
Please copy the FAQ code provided inside the FAQ install tab.
Click on themes -> Edit code
Search for collection-template liquid code file
Please paste the code
Save the changes
Once all the steps are completed please check if the FAQ appears on the front end. Incase if there are any issues please contact customer support.

Updated on: 09/05/2021
Thank you!