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How to remove branding 'Gallery by Enorm Apps' / 'Slider by Enorm Apps' / 'FAQ by Enorm Apps' branding?
Branding is part of FREE plan. As soon as any paid plan is subscribed for, branding is removed automatically and instantly.
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How do I cancel my subscription?
We are sorry to know that you wish to cancel stores subscription. If you are facing any issues or need a feature, please contact us. Our support team will respond quickly to your ticket and do their best to make sure you are completely satisfied. Subscription can be cancelled anytime. To cancel subscription, we recommend to first uninstall the app's code from the store. This can be done by navigating to uninstall tab inside our apps. If the code is manually inserted, then please remove the cod
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How to grant collaborator access?
Sometimes, to resolve the ticket, our team would need access to the store. When this is the case, our team will request a limited permission collaborator access via Shopify. Store owners can then approve the request. Requests can be approved in 2 ways: Email - When we send request, store owners receive an email from Shopify to the registered email address of the store. Approval can be granted by clicking the link in the email. From the store backend - Access can also be gr
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How can I receive bills for my monthly payments for my company books?
App charges appear on the monthly statement of the store. All charges related to our would be found in the statement. If any additional information is needed, we recommend that the store owner contacts Shopify support. They are better placed to provide required statements.
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