Articles on: Image + Video Gallery

How to install gallery on a page?

Image Gallery can be installed on any page using automatic install provided inside the gallery. To instal gallery in a specific location, we have provided HTML code that can be copied and pasted in the desired location. Please find detailed step wise directions for automatic as well as manual install.

1. Automatic Install

Please navigate to install tab inside the gallery. Here you will a drop down to select a page. Please select the page where the gallery needs to be installed and select appropriate position of the gallery. Click install and the gallery will be installed on that page.

Incase the gallery page is not created please find shopify document to create a page in store here

Automatic gallery install

2. Manual Install

Inside each gallery an HTML code is provided. This code can be copied and pasted to showcase gallery on the website. Please find steps to manually add gallery to a shopify Page.

Copy the embed code provided in the install tab of the gallery

Navigate to the page

Add the coped code in the section of preference

Once the page is saved, please click on view page to see the changes updated on the frontend.

Updated on: 14/06/2021

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